Ime igre: Yan Loong Legend 2 : 2nd Impact
Description: The 3rd Game of Yan Loong Legend series, added new feature that enable player assign stat points after level up, added new character enable player to select, added new special moves, added new stages.
Pokreni igru: 12402
Meeblings 2 - Meeblings ponovo napadaju ;) U ovoj igrici imate na raspolaganju ...
Glazbenik - Zasviraj klavir s raznim instrumentima. Fora. Moe i snimiti pa...
Coloring Bear - Obojite pjevajućeg veseljaka koji pjeva ispod duge, u razne ...
Right Fall Dress - Marija je fotomodel ove besplatne igrice igre. Ima najmoderniju o...
Zigmond - Igrica je kombinacija sokobana i avanture. Odlična uvodna pr...